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Rod Relucio (Chicago, IL)
Rod is an alchemist: with nothing but a bit of concentration and a laptop, he transforms a quiet, empty room into a party that rages so hard the police have to be called. He will be DJing the All Night milonga on Sunday, so be sure to arrive early before everyone is officially ordered to disperse.
John Miller (Denver, CO)
John Miller has been DJing for over half his life and in that time has played nearly every scenario imaginable: in seedy bars, under bridges, in Churches, warehouses, at weddings, funerals, high school sock-hops, on beaches, house parties, from 100-year-old victrolas, and at dozens of festivals.
DJ Villano del Tango
DJ Villano del Tango earned his name in a shady tavern on the bad end of La Boca after he lost a game of Truco but won the knife fight that followed. Since then he has wandered the world, playing tangos and breaking hearts. His d'Agostino tandas have been known to make women swoon and grown men weep.
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